How did you first hear about BAVC Media?
Unemployed Production-side person. Got SF Goodwill Workforce grant.
Tell us your BAVC Media story. (500 words or less)
I decided to get into editing after 25 years in production. I evaluated several options and BAVC Media was the clear winner in terms of value. They have up-to-date equipment/software, industry-seasoned instructors, and course diversity/scheduling flexibility. Best of all, the connections one makes are terrific because the classes are mixed with students from all the various programs and corporate training. The other fantastic aspect is the career workshops and counseling. They revolutionized my thinking in terms of resume and utilizing LinkedIn – I got the first job I applied for. In a word – EFFECTIVE!
Why do you think others should get involved at BAVC Media?
You can have your own TV show and/or borrow equipment!
Check out some of Todd’s work:
Vimeo Channel