Celebrating BAVC Media’s Next Gen Youth Program

Throughout the year Next Gen students built a fun and supportive community where they learned new technical skills, met industry professionals, earned college credit, and discussed social justice issues all while creating media related to topics they are passionate about.
In both the Fall and Spring semesters, students created their own media and developed their own stories in the form of animations, short films, and video games (just to name a few). They also had the opportunity to meet an array of guest speakers and panelists from companies like Pandora, Youtube, Oracle, and KQED with backgrounds in cinematography, graphic design, visual art, music production, marketing and more.
We can’t forget to mention the amazing field trips our students went on including visits to Youth Radio, Hyde Street Studios, Obscura Digital, Dolby, CCA Hybrid Lab, Seeker Media, SOMArts, the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment, the Walt Disney Family Museum, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Want to see more of our students amazing work? Check out the YouTube playlists below:
If you know students between the ages of 13-18, living in San Francisco who are interested in sharing their stories via arts, media, and tech, encourage them to apply to Next Gen, BAVC Media’s free after-school program. Applications for Fall 2018 will be live Monday, June 11, 2018. Support and encourage the next generation of media and change makers!