Meet BAVC Media Student Danielle Bezalel!

Danielle Bezalel graduated from UC Berkeley (go bears!) in 2014 with a degree in Film and Media and a minor in Education. She’s passionate about making media that matters, singing on stage with her band Happnstance, eating lots of chocolate, traveling the world, getting fit, and cracking jokes with her 18 year old brother. Email her at to hear more about her story and to get involved with Sex Ed with DB!
How did you first hear about BAVC Media?
I heard about BAVC Media through the non-profit I was working at at the time called R.O.C.K. (Real Options for City Kids).
Tell us your BAVC Media story.
I took the “Podcast Class for Beginners” with BAVC Media in May, 2017. I loved learning all things about podcasting from conceptualization to production to marketing and more; I thought I’d give it a shot on my own since I understood most of the basics from the detailed and resourceful BAVC Media class. In June, 2017, just two short weeks later, I decided to go through with making my own podcast and I recruited 10 volunteers to help me make the vision come to life. I wanted to make a sex education podcast that interviewed Bay Area folks about different types of sex ed. topics. I ended up gaining a Graphic Illustrator, a Social Media Lead, five Sound Editors, two content editors, and one audio technician. I felt so lucky and excited to get started! In less than 4 months, we fundraised $750 to buy our audio equipment, we recorded all of our interviews, edited all of the episodes, released all of them, marketed them to the public, created all of our own social media pages, got featured in multiple blogs and articles, and are now gearing up for a Season 2! I could not have done any of this had it not been for the BAVC Media class. I learned so much, became motivated, and actually made my own podcast, Sex Ed with DB!
Why do you think others should get involved at BAVC Media?
There are so many incredible classes, teachers, equipment, and lessons to be learned. They are an incredible organization that wants to help people improve their media making skills whether that be film, music, podcasting, and the like.
Sex Ed with DB is currently raising funds for Season 2 creatives! If you like what you hear below, if you believe in an open dialgoue about sex and sexuality, and if you believe in independent media making – please donate to Sex Ed with DB today!