Preservation Access Program Recipients Summer/Fall 2016

The Preservation Access Program is about to end its third consecutive year of continuous support from the National Endowment for the Arts. We’ve been so busy capturing fantastic content from our participants we forgot to announce who they are! Some of our old friends are back, including Charles Woodman, Nancy Meli Walker, and the creators of the upcoming documentary on Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, and we’ve made some new ones, notably three filmmakers revisiting work they began years ago: Audrey Daniel, Jim Culp, and Susana Aikin.
Interestingly, there are three collections that consist primarily of ½” open reel video recorded by women-oriented collectives in the 1970s: Just Us (CA), L.O.V.E. Collective (NY), and various networks in Oregon, acquired by the Oregon Historical Society. The content on these tapes is near shocking in its relevancy to the current national dialogue on race, gender, sexuality, and class. So little has changed, but also so much.
Please click through the links to find out more about the artist, organization, or collection. If you are an artist and would like to apply for the next Preservation Access Program (deadline, TBA) please email
And now, without further ado, the cast of the Preservation Access Program, Round 7:
Audrey Ray Daniel
Bay Area, California
Cathy Weis
Performance Artist
New York CIty, New York
Charles Woodman
Electronic Artist
Cincinnati, Ohio
Darryl Sapien
Multidisciplinary Artist
Bay Area, California
Doug Hall
Media Artist
Bay Area, California
Eric Predoehl
Mediamaker, The Louie Louie Documentary Project
Bay Area, California
Jane Veeder
Electronic Media Artist & Educator
Bay Area, California
Jim Culp
Mediamaker, Tin Goose
Bay Area, California
Just Us
Women’s Video Collective
Berkeley, California
L.O.V.E. Collective
Lesbian Video Collective
New York City, New York
Kronos Performing Arts Association and Sam Green
Creators, The Kronos Quartet Documentary Project
Bay Area, California
Nancy Karp +Dancers
Interdisciplinary Dance
Bay Area, California
Nancy Meli Walker*
Electronic Media Artist
New York City, NY | Laguna Beach, CA | Maui, Hawaii
Oregon Historical Society
Portland, Oregon
People’s Video Theatre/Survival Arts Media
Experimental Television Outfit in the 1970’s
Jamestown, New York
The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives
San Francisco State University
Bay Area, California
Susana Aiken
Mediamaker, The Forgotten Marielitos
New York City
David France & Sylvia & Marsha, LLC
Creators, Sylvia & Marsha documentary
New York City
Trisha Brown Dance Company
Multidisciplinary/Postmodern Dance
New York City
Van McElwee
Installation Artist
St. Louis, Missouri
*The image is from Combustion by the group NNeng, part of a vast collection of perfomance video material maintained by artist Nancy Meli Walker.