Read Now: BAVC Media Preservation on Jerome Caja’s Home Videos

Pop over to our Preservation program’s Tumblr to read BAVC Media Preservation Fellow Lauren O’Connor’s eloquent post about the significance gleaned from preserving the intimate home recordings of the late, great San Francisco visual artist, performer, and drag queen Jerome Caja.
O’Connor writes:
The great pleasure of preservation is to pop in an unassuming, archaic tape and, while digitizing, encounter a world or a person that one has never encountered before… and to play a small part in keeping that content alive for somebody else to encounter and be inspired by one day.
BAVC Media is digitizing Caja’s tapes for The JEROME Project, a multimedia project which celebrates the vitality and legacy of his work and life. Not only was The JEROME Project one of the 2014 MediaMaker Fellows program awardees [INSERT LINK] but it is now receiving subsidized preservation services through BAVC Media’s Preservation Access Program [INSERT LINK]. Offering that kind of wrap-around support is what we’re all about.
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Preservation Access Program offers a full range of subsidized preservation services, from collections assessment to digitization, to individual artists and small- to medium-sized arts organizations.
The next deadline to apply to receive these services is February 28. So if you have a media legacy you want to ensure is around for generations to come, apply today [INSERT LINK?].